“This didn’t start with a guest speaker. It didn’t start with a conference.
It started just with the Holy Spirit.”
Lets start at the beginning
Jesus has brought an awakening to Charlotte! On November 6th, 2022, the Holy Spirit descended upon our pre-service prayer meeting leaving half of The Gate’s leadership team stuck to the floor in a corporate encounter before service. God then overflowed into our main service, overwhelming the congregants with His supernatural touch. In the months following, Jesus has saturated our church with an undeniable sense of His nearness and power. Medically documented miracles, outbursts of holy laughter, and tears of fresh surrender have marked our gatherings. Just months before this outpouring, God spoke to John Matthews, our Senior Leader, in a dream. The Lord invited him (and The Gate) into a greater experience of God’s glory. Jesus is moving the hearts of His people in a sovereign way, and we are in awe at how He is revealing Himself! God is drawing countless visitors to encounter Him in Charlotte, and the fires of revival are spreading quickly to other cities!
An hour of testimony
Testimonies are pouring in, and we are collecting as many as possible! One of the most notable miracles has been the healing of a man who was suffering from stage IV prostate cancer; it had spread into his bones, lungs, and lymph nodes. He received prayer at our Tuesday night gathering, and Jesus completely healed him. We even have the audio recording of his doctor confirming that the cancer is gone! Visitors are reporting that repentance and healing are breaking out in their churches after coming to Charlotte, and we are thrilled to see this revival spreading. Pastor Derrick Parker said of his experience at The Gate, “I've never seen anything like it in my life. Revival Movements I've read online and in history books about… I've [now] actually seen God move like this at The Gate. The room was filled with the glory of God. People literally came in sick and left healed.” During another service several healings broke out without a single person having hands laid on them; testimonies continued for an hour afterwards.
John and Carol visit
God gave two instructions to Tiffany Matthews before the awakening emerged at The Gate. One of these instructions was, “I want you to get an impartation. I want you to have John and Carol Arnott lay hands on you.” On November 8th, two days after God radically touched the church, Senior Leaders John and Tiffany attended a one-night-only gathering where the Arnotts were ministering. There, John Arnott called for “the pastor couple from Charlotte,” who he had briefly met in his hotel lobby, to come forward for prayer. John Matthews describes the impartation experience that followed with this statement: “They just blasted us. It felt like my heart was going to stop. It was so intense, the power that was going through me.” The Arnotts soon visited The Gate Church, where Carol prophesied, “There is an awakening happening in Charlotte, and it’s spreading to the nations of the earth. Get ready! These are only the sparks, a great flame will follow.”
“These are only the sparks, a great flame will follow...This place is lit with the presence of God, He has lit this city and this church as a blazing fire, I saw sparks flying everywhere and every where the sparks landed a raging fire would begin”
Where you come in
We are convinced that what God is doing in Charlotte is meant for the world. With a heart of humility and excitement, we want to invite you to come and drink deeply from the Lord’s goodness. Jesus will touch your life, and you will walk away changed and marked by His love. Our gatherings are filled with hungry souls seeking a fresh embrace of God. Each week, The Gate is seeing an increase of the Father’s passionate love and presence in our midst. At times, it feels as if a literal river is flowing through the building. What started as a pre-service prayer meeting on November 6th is spreading throughout the globe! Zechariah 10:1 says, “Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the rain” God’s presence is beginning to rain down all over different cities and nations with power, and we are asking Him for more! Come grab ahold of the outpouring God is releasing in Charlotte!